Sparse Networks with Overlapping Communities (SNetOC) package: demo_polblogs

This Matlab script performs posterior inference on a network of political blogs to find latent overlapping communities, using a Bayesian nonparametric approach.

For downloading the package and information on installation, visit the SNetOC webpage.



Tested on Matlab R2017a. Requires the Statistics toolbox.

Last Modified: 01/2020


General settings

close all
tstart = clock; % Starting time

istest = true; % enable testing mode: quick run with smaller nb of iterations

In test mode, a smaller number of iterations is run. Although the sampler clearly has not converged yet, the method already recovers well the ground truth communities. To reproduce the results of the paper, set this value to false.

root = '.';
if istest
    outpath = fullfile(root, 'results', 'demo_polblogs', 'test');
    outpath = fullfile(root, 'results', 'demo_polblogs', date);

if ~isdir(outpath)

% Add path
addpath ./GGP/ ./CGGP/ ./utils/

set(0, 'DefaultAxesFontSize', 14)

% Set the seed
rng default

Load network of political blogs

Data can be downloaded from here.

load ./data/polblogs/polblogs.mat

titlenetwork = 'Political blogosphere Feb. 2005';
name = 'polblogs';
labels = {'Blogs', 'Blogs'};
groupfield = 'name'; % meta field displayed for group plot

% Transform the graph to obtain a simple graph
G = Problem.A | Problem.A'; % make undirected graph
G = logical(G-diag(diag(G))); % remove self edges (#3)

% Collect metadata
clear meta = cellstr(Problem.aux.nodename);
meta.source = cellstr(Problem.aux.nodesource);
meta.isright = logical(Problem.aux.nodevalue); = num2cell(full(sum(G,2)));
meta.groups = zeros(size(meta.isright));
meta.groups(~meta.isright) = 1;
meta.groups(meta.isright) = 2;
color_groups = [0 0 .8; .8 0 0];
label_groups = {'Left', 'Right'};
fn = fieldnames(meta);

% Remove nodes with no edge (#266)
ind = any(G);
G = G(ind, ind);
for i=1:length(fn)
    meta.(fn{i}) = meta.(fn{i})(ind);

% Plot adjacency matrix (sorted)
figure('name', 'Adjacency matrix (sorted by ground truth political leaning)');
% Shuffle nodes: irrelevant due to exchangeability, just to check we do not cheat!
ind = randperm(size(G,1));
G = G(ind, ind);
for i=1:length(fn)
    meta.(fn{i}) = meta.(fn{i})(ind);

% Plot adjacency matrix (unsorted)
figure('name', 'Adjacency matrix (unsorted)');
% Plot degree distribution
figure('name', 'Empirical degree distribution');
hdeg = plot_degree(G);
set(hdeg, 'markersize', 10, 'marker', 'o','markeredgecolor', 'none', 'markerfacecolor', [1, .75, .75]);

Posterior Inference using Markov chain Monte Carlo and point estimation

Users needs to start the parallel pool by using the command parpool to run multiple chains in parallel.

% Define the parameters of the prior
p = 2; % Number of commmunities
objprior =  graphmodel('CGGP', p); % CGGP graph model with p communities

% Define parameters of the MCMC sampler
nchains = 3;
if istest
    niterinit = 1000;
    niter = 10000;
    nsamples = 100;
    ndraws = 100;
    niterinit = 10000;
    niter = 2e6;
    nsamples = 1000;
    ndraws = 500;
nburn = floor(niter/2);
thin = ceil((niter-nburn)/nsamples);
verbose = true;

% Create the graphMCMC object
objmcmc = graphmcmc(objprior, niter, 0, thin, nchains);

% Run initialisation
init = graphinit(objmcmc, G, niterinit);
Start initialisation of the MCMC algorithm for CGGP
End initialisation
% Run MCMC sampler
objmcmc = graphmcmcsamples(objmcmc, G, verbose, init);
Start MCMC for undirected CGGP graphs
Nb of nodes: 1224x1224 - Nb of edges: 16715 (0 missing)
Nb of chains: 3 - Nb of iterations: 10000
Estimated computation time: 0 hour(s) 3 minute(s)
Estimated end of computation: 01-Feb-2020 17:43:48 
 Markov chain 1/3 
i=2000 alp=3249.79 sig=-1.140 tau=2.07 a=0.26 0.21 b=1.43 1.03 w*=0.19 0.19 b2=2.96 2.13 alp2=1419.80 rhmc=0.78 rhyp=0.58 eps=0.026 rwsd=0.02
i=4000 alp=4982.05 sig=-1.448 tau=1.99 a=0.22 0.20 b=1.81 1.55 w*=0.28 0.26 b2=3.62 3.09 alp2=1834.40 rhmc=0.76 rhyp=0.61 eps=0.026 rwsd=0.02
i=6000 alp=4427.75 sig=-1.551 tau=1.62 a=0.20 0.17 b=1.99 1.92 w*=0.25 0.21 b2=3.21 3.10 alp2=2098.72 rhmc=0.77 rhyp=0.62 eps=0.026 rwsd=0.02
i=8000 alp=4211.75 sig=-1.656 tau=1.43 a=0.18 0.16 b=2.46 2.20 w*=0.29 0.19 b2=3.51 3.14 alp2=2336.68 rhmc=0.77 rhyp=0.62 eps=0.026 rwsd=0.02
i=10000 alp=3414.97 sig=-2.324 tau=1.02 a=0.19 0.15 b=5.43 5.08 w*=0.29 0.28 b2=5.52 5.16 alp2=3288.22 rhmc=0.77 rhyp=0.64 eps=0.026 rwsd=0.02
 Markov chain 2/3 
i=2000 alp=3246.03 sig=-1.072 tau=2.31 a=0.24 0.26 b=1.12 1.10 w*=0.18 0.25 b2=2.60 2.55 alp2=1323.28 rhmc=0.77 rhyp=0.56 eps=0.026 rwsd=0.02
i=4000 alp=4493.17 sig=-1.340 tau=2.00 a=0.19 0.23 b=1.19 1.61 w*=0.19 0.24 b2=2.38 3.23 alp2=1768.96 rhmc=0.76 rhyp=0.62 eps=0.026 rwsd=0.02
i=6000 alp=4308.25 sig=-1.421 tau=1.85 a=0.18 0.21 b=1.72 1.67 w*=0.22 0.32 b2=3.18 3.10 alp2=1796.74 rhmc=0.77 rhyp=0.62 eps=0.026 rwsd=0.02
i=8000 alp=4349.56 sig=-1.617 tau=1.48 a=0.16 0.21 b=2.55 2.63 w*=0.24 0.33 b2=3.78 3.89 alp2=2301.32 rhmc=0.76 rhyp=0.62 eps=0.026 rwsd=0.02
i=10000 alp=3910.44 sig=-2.229 tau=1.09 a=0.16 0.18 b=4.76 4.35 w*=0.35 0.32 b2=5.19 4.74 alp2=3225.01 rhmc=0.77 rhyp=0.63 eps=0.026 rwsd=0.02
 Markov chain 3/3 
i=2000 alp=3738.08 sig=-1.111 tau=2.46 a=0.26 0.22 b=1.29 1.06 w*=0.19 0.19 b2=3.17 2.61 alp2=1372.81 rhmc=0.78 rhyp=0.57 eps=0.026 rwsd=0.02
i=4000 alp=5398.35 sig=-1.522 tau=1.97 a=0.22 0.19 b=1.88 2.02 w*=0.34 0.23 b2=3.70 3.98 alp2=1929.61 rhmc=0.76 rhyp=0.59 eps=0.026 rwsd=0.02
i=6000 alp=4418.70 sig=-1.813 tau=1.39 a=0.20 0.17 b=3.14 2.35 w*=0.23 0.20 b2=4.36 3.26 alp2=2434.37 rhmc=0.77 rhyp=0.61 eps=0.026 rwsd=0.02
i=8000 alp=3651.00 sig=-2.261 tau=1.07 a=0.18 0.16 b=5.63 4.46 w*=0.20 0.26 b2=6.01 4.76 alp2=3152.50 rhmc=0.78 rhyp=0.63 eps=0.026 rwsd=0.02
i=10000 alp=2840.48 sig=-2.933 tau=0.87 a=0.16 0.15 b=7.24 8.36 w*=0.34 0.25 b2=6.31 7.29 alp2=4245.54 rhmc=0.76 rhyp=0.63 eps=0.026 rwsd=0.02
Computation time: 0 hour(s) 3 minute(s)
% Print summary in text file
print_summary(['summary_' num2str(p) 'f.txt'], titlenetwork, G, niter, nburn, nchains, thin, p, outpath, tstart)

% Save workspace
save(fullfile(outpath, ['workspace_' num2str(p) 'f.mat']), '-v7.3')
% Log posterior approximation
[lp_nonlat, lp_lat, ll_nonlat, ll_lat] = logpost_approx(objmcmc, G);
% Compute identifiable parameters
for ch = 1:size(objmcmc.samples, 2)
    S = objmcmc.samples(1,ch);
    objmcmc.samples(1,ch).varsigma1 = -S.alpha .* S.tau.^S.sigma ./ S.sigma;
    a_sigma = S.Fparam.a.*S.sigma;
    objmcmc.samples(1,ch).varsigma2 = -a_sigma./S.Fparam.b2;
    objmcmc.samples(1,ch).varsigma3 = a_sigma.*(S.sigma-S.Fparam.a-1)./(S.Fparam.b2.^2);

discard burnin

objmcmc_noburn = objmcmc;
objmcmc_noburn.samples = discard(objmcmc.samples, floor(nburn/objmcmc.settings.thin));
objmcmc_noburn.settings.nburn = nburn;

Point estimation of the model parameters

[estimates, C_st] = graphest(objmcmc_noburn);
Start parameters estimation for CGGP graphs: 300 samples
Estimated end of computation: 01-Feb-2020 17:44:39 (0.0 hours)
End parameters estimation for CGGP graphs
Computation time: 0.0 hours


prefix = sprintf('%s_%df_', name, p);
suffix = '';
% Plot Log posterior approximation
iter = (1:size(lp_nonlat,1))*thin;
plot_logpost(lp_nonlat, iter, [], 'Log-posterior', outpath, prefix, '_nonlat');
plot_logpost(lp_lat, iter, [], 'Log-posterior', outpath, prefix, '_lat');

% Plot log-posterior autocorr
lp_nonlat_noburn = lp_nonlat(floor(nburn/niter*size(lp_nonlat, 1)):end, :);
lp_lat_noburn = lp_lat(floor(nburn/niter*size(lp_lat, 1)):end, :);
plot_autocorr_logpost(lp_nonlat_noburn, thin, 'Log-posterior', outpath, prefix, '_nonlat');
plot_autocorr_logpost(lp_lat_noburn, thin, 'Log-posterior', outpath, prefix, '_lat');

% Plot cost
if ~isempty(C_st)
    plot_cost(C_st, outpath, prefix, suffix);
% Identify each feature to left/right wing using ground truth
% (This step would normally require a human interpretation of the features)
[~, ind_features] = sort(median(estimates.w(meta.isright,:), 1)./median(estimates.w, 1));
featnames = {'Liberal', 'Conservative'};

% Print classification performance with ground truth
[~, nodefeat] = max(estimates.w, [],2); % Assign each node to the feature with highest weight
[confmat] = print_classif(fullfile(outpath, ['classif_' num2str(p) 'f.txt']), ...
    nodefeat, meta.groups, ind_features, label_groups);
Classification performance
Confusion matrix (counts)
Group        : Feat 1 Feat 2 | Total
Left         :    533     55 |   588
Right        :     22    614 |   636
Total        :    555    669 |  1224
Confusion matrix (%)
Group        : Feat 1 Feat 2 | Total
Left         :  43.55   4.49 | 48.04
Right        :   1.80  50.16 | 51.96
Total        :  45.34  54.66 |100.00
Group assignments of features
Feat 1: Left
Feat 2: Right
Accuracy = 93.71
Error = 6.29
% Plot traces and histograms
variables = {'varsigma1', 'varsigma2', 'varsigma3', 'mean_w_rem'};
namesvar = {'$\varsigma_1$', '$\varsigma_2$', '$\varsigma_3$', '$\overline{w}_{\ast}$'};
plot_trace(objmcmc.samples, objmcmc.settings, variables, namesvar, [], outpath, prefix, suffix);
plot_hist(objmcmc_noburn.samples, variables, namesvar, [], ind_features, [], outpath, prefix, suffix);
% Plot the graph by sorting the nodes by max feature to see block structure
plot_sortedgraph(G, nodefeat, nodefeat, ind_features, labels, outpath, prefix, suffix, {'png'});
% Show the proportion in each features for a few nodes
if p==2
    color = color_groups;
elseif p==5
    color = [0 0 .5; .3 .3 1 ; 0.8 0.8 0.8 ; 1 .3 .3; .5 0 0];

if isfield(meta, 'groups')
    % Plots by groups right vs left
    plot_groups(estimates.w, meta.groups, meta.(groupfield), ind_features, label_groups, featnames, ...
        color_groups, outpath, prefix, suffix);

    y = sum(estimates.w,2);
    x = estimates.w(:,ind_features(2))./y;
    figure; hold on
    for i=1:numel(label_groups)
        ind = meta.groups==i;
        stem(x(ind), y(ind), 'o', 'markersize', 5, 'color', color(i,:))
    xlabel('$w_{2}/\vert w \vert$', 'interpreter', 'latex', 'fontsize', 20)
    ylabel('$\vert w \vert$', 'interpreter', 'latex', 'fontsize', 20)
    text([0,.75], [-.5, -.5], featnames, 'fontsize', 16)
    legend(label_groups, 'fontsize', 16)
    legend boxoff
    axis tight
% Plot normalized weights for a subset of blogs
prop_nodes = estimates.w(:,1)./sum(estimates.w, 2);
names = {''
ind = zeros(size(names,1),1);
lab = cell(size(names,1), 1);
for i=1:size(names,1)
    ind(i) = find(strcmp(, names{i}) & strcmp(, names{i,1}));
    lab{i} = sprintf('%s (%s)', names{i}, label_groups{meta.groups(ind(i))}(1));
%     fprintf('%2d. (%.2f) #%d, %s\n', i, prop_nodes(ind(i)),{ind(i)}, lab{i});
plot_nodesfeatures(estimates.w, ind, ind_features, lab, featnames, color, outpath, prefix, suffix);
% Show blogs with highest weight in each feature
meta.wing = cell(;
meta.wing(meta.isright) = repmat({'R'}, sum(meta.isright), 1);
meta.wing(~meta.isright) = repmat({'L'}, sum(~meta.isright), 1);

fnames = {'degree', 'name', 'wing'};
formats = {'#%d,', '%s', '(%s).'}; %
% Nodes with highest weight in each feature
fprintf('Nodes with highest weights in each feature\n')
fprintf('#edges, name of blog (Political leaning)\n')
print_features( [outpath 'features_' num2str(p) 'f.txt'], ...
    estimates.w, ind_features, [], meta, fnames, formats );
Nodes with highest weights in each feature
#edges, name of blog (Political leaning)
& %--- FEATURE 1 ---
#351, (L). 
#277, (L). 
#274, (L). 
#218, (L). 
#171, (L). 
#137, (L). 
#170, (L). 
#144, (L). 
#149, (L). 
#147, (L). 
& %--- FEATURE 2 ---
#306, (R). 
#301, (R). 
#243, (R). 
#182, (R). 
#196, (R). 
#223, (R). 
#211, (R). 
#199, (R). 
#170, (R). 
#179, (R). 
% Correlation between the features
figure('name', 'Correlation between features');
title('Correlation between features')
% Plot posterior predictive of degree distribution
plot_degreepostpred(G, objmcmc_noburn, ndraws, 1e-6, outpath, prefix, suffix);
Start degree posterior predictive estimation: 100 draws
Estimated end of computation: 01-Feb-2020 17:46:06 (0.0 hours)
End degree posterior predictive (0.0 hours)